
All of us at NCP are proud to announce our client and consultant successes To our Clients To our Consultants Special congratulations to our Consultant Colleen O. Smith MSN, RN, NEA-BC, CPC for her investment in becoming a certified Executive Coach. Colleen

Magnet® Evidence Mapping:

A Critical First Step BEFORE You Write Your Document! What we have learned from helping over 300 organizations achieve and sustain Magnet® designation You have great evidence for your Magnet® application… BUT… How do you know where it fits best? What do you do

Magnet® Document Writing Service!

WELCOME TO THE NEW NORMAL! NCP does it all! We help you find the right evidence…then write it up for you. No other consulting service can compete with our comprehensive Magnet® document writing service. We don’t just tell you what to write…We write

Virtual Consulting from the Cloud

Nursing Consulting Partners has gone virtual! We now offer the full range of “live” consultation services online as well on site. We hope this eases the way to continue working to build and sustain your professional practice environment and meet


NCP Wishes a HAPPY NURSES WEEK to the 3 Million Nurses of the Year You are Nightingales200 years later you are still lighting the wayYou are making Nursing visible for all the world to see You are NightingalesYour strong and powerful

Helping Hospitals Stay the Magnet® Course

Hospitals on the Magnet® Journey Face Unprecedented Challenges Caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic The journey to Magnet® designation is always worth it…but never easy. It must be a strategic priority for your organization. We know it takes commitment, time, and resources